日期: 2023年2月25日(六)
集合時間及地點:1:30 上水火車站 (具體地點稍後確認)
解散時間及地點:3:30 新田振興園有機農場
費用全免 (包上水至振興園包車、農場入場費、採摘車厘茄)
限額: 15人
登記 (活動報名已結束)
參加者只限Plant and Civilization 同學及綠延宿生
1 IGPS + 5 RC points (Evergreen Resident only)
查詢:思, 馮堯敬馮堯敬綠延書院副院長 (pscheung@hsu.edu.hk)
This is an acitivty organized for studnets of GEN2011 Plant and Civilization and Evergreen residents.
We will visit a local orgnaic farm Chun San Organic Farm at San Tin, New Territories.
Participants will learn the operation of local organic farms and the challenges brought by climate changes.
Participants will also work like a farmer and pick your own tomatoes.
Date: Feb 25 2023 (Sat)
Gathering Time and Point 1:30 pm Shueng Shui Station (the exact location will be confirmed later)
Dismissal Time and Point: 3:30 pm Chun San Organic Farm, San Tin, NT
Fee: Free of Charge (including transportation from Sheung Shui to San Tin, admission fee, and a bag of self-pick tomatoes)
Quota: 15
Registration (The application is closed)
Language: Cantonese
Non-Cantonese Speaking students may invite a buddy (must be GEN2011 students or Evergreen residents) to help translation.
Confiramtion email will be recceived for successful registration.
Enquiries: Sze, Associate Master of Fung Yiu King Fung Yiu King Evergreen College (pscheung@hsu.edu.hk)