Evergreen Fellow Talk: Cinema Therapy, What is it about?
綠延學術院使Dr Sobel Chan將會以電影奇蹟男孩(WONDER)為例, 向大家介紹電影如何應用於心理治療。
日期: 2023年2月28日(二)
時間: 下午7:00 -9:30
地點: Communal Hall
登記: https://forms.gle/XnbX31iM9Q6yxVbo8
活動時數: 1iGPS ( 綠延宿生另加 5 RC Points)
語言: 廣東話
學術院使簡介: 陳家樂博士現為傳播學院高級講師。過去在多個電影製作、電視台、報刊雜誌及政府委員會擁有豐富的專業工作經驗。他的研究興趣包括香港電影電視研究、編劇與敘事、電影治療與華語電影歷史與產業、新媒體與元宇宙等。
查詢: Sze, Associate Master of Fung Yiu King Fung Yiu King Evergreen College (pscheung@hsu.edu.hk)
Dr Sobel Chan, RC Fellow of Fung Yiu King College, had rich professional working experiences in various film production, television stations, newspaper, magazine and government committee. His current research includes Hong Kong Film and Television Studies, Screenwriting and Storytelling, Cinema Therapy and Chinese-language Film History and Industry, Cinema, New Media and Metaverse.
On Feb 28 2023, he will give us a talk on Cinema Thearpy, introducing the basic concepts of this alternative therapy by using the film Wonder.
Date: Feb 28 2023 (Tue)
Time: 7:00 – 9:30 pm
Venue: Commual Hall
Language: Cantonese
1iGPS + 5 RC points (applicable to Evergreen residents only)
Registration: https://forms.gle/XnbX31iM9Q6yxVbo8
Enquiry: Sze, Associate Master of Fung Yiu King Fung Yiu King Evergreen College (pscheung@hsu.edu.hk)